In my short nineteen years here on earth there's one thing i have consistently noticed in everything i have ever done. Usually the really important things in life, the pieces we put together in order to form the whole picture, are not the obvious things. The most important things i've learned weren't directly told to me. They were alluded to. Hinted at. Whispered.
I was never flat out told that faith can change and shape your life so much you won't want to imagine a life without it. I was shown that. Told examples of how that happened to other people. But in order to connect the dots for myself, i had to listen to the whisper in the wind telling me to trust and believe. It's in that stillness and quiet that i have become who i am. In those moments of "hey i never thought about that" or the "ah-ha" moments i recognize something bigger than myself, a higher power, my God.
This blog, "The Gentle Whisper" is my way of just letting go of, and sharing revelations, thoughts, questions, and moments i've had in those quiet times.
Surrender by BarlowGirl
My hands hold safely to my dreams, Clutching tightly not one has fallen, So many years I've shaped each one- Reflecting my heart, showing who I am, Now you're asking me to show What I'm holding oh so tightly. Can't open my hands, can't let go. Does it matter? Should I show you? Can't you let me go?
‘Surrender, surrender’, you whisper gently. You say I will be free, I know, but can't you see? My dreams are me. My dreams are me.
You say you have a plan for me, And that you want the best for my life. Told me the world had yet to see What you can do with one That's committed to Your call. I know of course what I should do, That I can't hold these dreams forever. If I give them now to You Will You take them away forever? Or can I dream again?
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